Thursday, October 6, 2011

Houston we have a problem!

I figured I would start a blog...since it's the thing to do. :) I'm not much of a writer or very funny for that matter, but life these days are pretty interesting nevertheless.

Just this morning as I was laying in bed, Ellie already awake, knowing that I need to go get Andy out of bed since he had been talking and calling out my name, suddenly I heard the door open! Then some RUNNING little foot noises. Oh dear! Andy can now climb out of his crib and open the door! Ellie did that when Andy was about a week old so she would have been about 22 mo. Andy is 18 mo. I guess they do learn quicker as a 2nd child.

Yesterday I got onto Spunky Coconut's blog and found a chocolate gluten/sugar free zucchini bread recipe. It was pretty good! Ended up making 2 loafs. Kids (and I) ate it right up! I went a head and ordered the spunky coconut cook book. Looks like some really yummy things in there!

Now that life has started to get a little bit more in my grasp we are going to POTTY TRAIN ELLIE! I've been a little bit nervous since Ellie is so head strong and has been SO unwilling to even SIT on the toilet it has been an unbearable thought to fight with all day long. Scott said just last night she saw him going to the bathroom and she ran to get HER toilet and actually went to the bathroom with him. haha...Of course she tried to pee like a man first, but least she is willingly trying now, which I think is a good sign that she'll learn a lot quicker now that she's ready. So here we go!

Here are a few pics taken yesterday of Ellie, she is experimenting with poses! The facial expressions are my favorite!

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Flexing....needs a little work

Flexing....needs a little work

Ellie in a diaper and boots!

Ellie in a diaper and boots!


What am I supposed to do?!

Ellie at the Aquarium in Newport

Ellie at the Aquarium in Newport
Such a funny girl!